How AI Could Transform Utilities into Growth Stocks

The Ragin’ Cajun James Carville was Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in 1992. Carville had a sign that said: “It’s the economy, stupid” in his office. The campaign’s laser-like focus on the economy was so powerful...

My Prediction for a Summer Rally

Election years are special. Bank of America put out a note last week saying that the idea of “sell in May and go away” isn’t always true — especially during election years. Which we have this...

Zuck Erased $200 Billion in META Crash — We Cashed In

Editor’s Note: We’re kicking off the week with powerful trader insights featured recently in Money & Markets Daily — from Mike Carr! His approach to trading is not to be missed … it’s nailing...

Nuclear-Powered AI Data Centers (a $1 Trillion Opportunity?!)

We need power, now more than ever before… Specifically, electrical power. One perfect example of this is the Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York, which began its operations in 1962. Its two nuclear reactors once...

A $40 Trillion Market Disruptor

Energy storage… It’s a key component in making renewable energy (like wind and solar) more reliable and affordable. Renewable energy aims to help reduce carbonation in our atmosphere. This way, we can better preserve the environment,...

New “Box Trade” Strategy Unlocks a 95%-Win Rate

I’ve noticed that many individual investors follow the Will Rogers school of investing. Will Rogers was a vaudeville performer and later a movie star. In the 1920s, he became a syndicated columnist and shared folksy...